Catalogue of Works
The complete edition of the works has been published by Stroemfeld Verlag
Frankfurt, Basel until 2018. With the volume »Ein Frauenproblem / Hin zu Gottnatur« Psychosozial-Verlag Gießen is now continuing the edition. To receive further information or to order individual volumes
or the edition in subscription form, please contact
The following Groddeck publications in English are still available second-hand:
The Book of the It (first published 1927)
The unknown Self (first published 1929)
Exploring the Unconscious (first published 1933)
The World of Man (first published 1934)
The Meaning of Illness (first published 1977)
Ferenczi - Groddeck Correspondence.
Ed. by Christopher Fortune. Open Gate Press 2002
Groddeck Almanach (1986)
Edited by Helmut Siefert, Frieder Kern, Beate Schuh,
Helmut Grosch.
Edited by Helmut Siefert, Frieder Kern, Beate Schuh, Helmut Grosch.
With essays by Satyr (pseudonym Georg Hirzel), Werner Hassert, Frieder Kern,
Stephan Krass, Georg Michael Groddeck, Wolfram Groddeck, Wolfgang Geinitz,
Otto Jägersberg, Lawrence Durrell, Willi Köhler, Werner Friedrich
Kümmel, Heinz Schott, Helmut Siefert, Judith Dupont, Rainer Zufall, Ludger
M. Hermanns, Klaus Wiedemann, Hildegund Heinl, Gerd Overbeck, Herbert Will,
Peter Achilles, Hans-Dieter König, Marielene Putscher, Birgitt Wüst,
Roger Lewinter and Groddeck’s memoirs, 1933.
ISBN 978-3-87877-272-9, 14 EUR
Vorträge (1987—1989)
Groddecks Vorträge in seinem Sanatorium für
die Patienten und Freunde des Hauses.
Groddeck’s lectures given in his sanatorium to his patients and friends.
Edited by Beate Schuh und Frieder Kern.
Vol. I: 1st lecture (August 16th, 1916) to 40th lecture (Mai 23rd, 1917).
ISBN 978-3-87877-289-7, separate vol. 29 EUR, subscription 24 EUR.
Vol. II: 41st lecture (30th May, 1917) to 80th lecture (20th March, 1918).
ISBN 978-3-87877-290-3, separate vol. 29 EUR, subscription 24 EUR.
Vol. III: 81st lecture (27th March, 1918) to 115th lecture (2nd April, 1919).
ISBN 978-3-87877-291-0, separate vol. 29 EUR, subscription 24 EUR.
Satanarium (1992)
Groddeck's house-magazine for the sanatorium.
Edited and with an afterword by Otto Jägersberg.
No. 1 (6th February, 1918) to No. 23 (10th July, 1918).
ISBN 978-3-87877-387-0
Der Seelensucher. Ein psychoanalytischer Roman
Edited and with an afterword by Otto Jägersberg.
ISBN 978-3-87877-479-2, EUR 19,80, new edition 2011.
Die Arche (2001)
Reprint of Groddeck's second house-magazine.
Edited and with an afterword by Otto Jägersberg and an essay by Britta
Runge Maché.
Vol. I: 1st year 1925; Vol. II: 2nd year 1926; Vol. III: 3rd year 1927.
ISBN 978-3-87877-474-7, separate vol. 124 EUR, subscription 99 EUR.
Das Buch vom Es. Psychoanalytische Briefe an eine Freundin (2004)
Volume of texts and manuscript edition, as well as materials
on the history of the genesis.
Edited by Samuel Müller in assistance with Wolfram Groddeck.
ISBN 978-3-87877-831-8, separate vol. 58 EUR, subscription 49 EUR.
Das Buch vom Es. Psychoanalytische Briefe an eine
Freundin (2004)
Paperback. ISBN 978-3-87877-832-5, 14,80 EUR, new edition 2011.
Briefwechsel Sándor Ferenczi - Georg Groddeck (2006)
Edited and with an introduction by Michael Giefer.
With letters by Frigyes Kovács, autobiographical memoirs by Zsófia
Dénes and an interview by Dezsö Kosztolányi.
ISBN 978-3-87877-466-2, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Der Mensch als Symbol. Unmaßgebliche Meinungen
über Sprache und Kunst (2007)
Edited and with a comprehensive appendix on the transmission of the texts
and on text variations by Wolfgang Martynkewicz. With the unpublished typescript
“Der hohle Kopf” by Georg Groddeck.
ISBN 978-3-87877-942-1, separate vol. 28 EUR, subscription 22 EUR.
Briefwechsel Georg Groddeck - Sigmund Freud (2008)
New expanded edition. Edited and with an introduction by Michael Giefer. With
letters by colleagues and speeches by Oskar Pfister, Philipp Sarasin,
and Medard Boss at the dead celebration in Zurich.
In assistance with Beate Schuh.
ISBN 978-3-86600-029-2, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Ein Kind der Erde
New edition. Edited and supplemented with a
detailed afterword by Galina Hristeva.
ISBN 978-3-86600-065-0, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Vom Menschenbauch und dessen Seele (2011)
Schriften zur psychoanalytischen Psychosomatik 1917–1934
Edited and with an afterword and indices by Michael Giefer.
ISBN 978-3-86600-081-0, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Die Welt bin Ich (2013)
Autobiographische Schriften
New, expanded edition of his autobiographical works. Edited and with an afterword and detailed notes by Wolfgang Martynkewicz.
ISBN 978-3-86600-043-8, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Ketzereien (2014)
Schriften zum Arzten und zur Medizin 1889–1908
Contains all his articles and lectures about medical subjects between the early period of his medical treatment and World War I.
ISBN 978-3-86600-170-1, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 28 EUR.
Nasamecu (2014)
A common sense presentation of the healthy and the sick person
New edition of Groddeck’s much discussed 1913 pamphlet on health and illness.
Edited and with an afterword by Michael Giefer.
ISBN 978-3-86600-184-8, separate vol. 28 EUR, subscription 22 EUR.
Was ich denken kann, gehört auch mir (2018)
Tagebücher 1895—1909
Diary Juli – Oktober 1895; Diary Februar – März 1898; Diary 1899–1902; Diary 1906–1909
Edited and with an afterword and extensive notes and explanations by Wolfgang and Monika Martynkewicz.
ISBN 978-3-86600-197-8, separate vol. 29,80 EUR, subscription 24,80 EUR.
Ein Frauenproblem / Hin zu Gottnatur (2020)
Facsimile reprint of the first edition Ein Frauenproblem (1902) and new edition of Hin zu Gottnatur (1909 [1912]).
Edited and with afterwords by Otto Jägersberg.
ISBN 978-3-8379-2948-5, separate vol. 38 EUR, subscription 29 EUR.
Lieber Pat … (2023)
Briefe der Familie Groddeck 1877 bis 1911
Edited by Monika & Wolfgang Martynkewicz.
ISBN 978-3-8379-3179-2, separate vol. 79,90 EUR.
Der Pfarrer von Langewiesche (1981, supplement)
Edited by Wolfram Groddeck.
Novella in 5 instalments, written in 1909 for the culture section of the Frankfurter
ISBN 978-3-87877-161-6, 14 EUR.
Psychische Bedingtheit und psychoanalytische
Behandlung organischer Leiden (2009, supplement)
Facsimile reprint of the first edition 1917. Produced
in 2009 to mark Georg Groddeck's 75th death anniversary.
ISBN 978-3-86600-056-4, Price 5 EUR.
Brochure (Die Prospekte)
From the left: Almanach for 1988 with an after-dinner speech by Georg Groddeck;
Groddeck brochure of 1987; brochure on the edition of his works 2004.